Suresh Raina tied the knot together with his fiancee and childhood friend Priyanka on Friday. The ceremony that happened at the Leela Palace Hotel in New Delhi was attended by family, friends from the globe of cricket and some Bollywood celebrities. His fellow Indian cricket team and Chennai Super King mates were gift still.
Among those that created it were Indian skipper MS Dhoni, ICC Chairman N.Srinivasan West Indies cricketer Dwayne Bravo, Irfan Pathan, Virender Sehwag, Stephen Fleming, Mohit Sharma, Shikhar Dhawan, Ishant Sharma and many others from the cricket fraternity. Anupam Kher was present to bless the newly wed moreover and so was Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav and Jyotiraditya Scindia.
Rumor mills were abuzz that teammate Virat Kohli and his girlfriend Anushka Sharma who were in Delhi around the identical time to fulfill Virat's parents determined to skip the marriage. According to, the couple that were even photographed in Delhi outside a high-end restaurant during a hotel were expected to remain back for the marriage but flew to Mumbai instead.
The festivities began with a pre wedding bash at Lutyens Cocktail House attended by Arjun Rampal in the capital and concluded in a very lavish ceremony with a huge celebrity attendance. Some of the famous guests at the marriage gave us a sneak peek of the celebrations with photos on Twitter that prove that everyone had a an entire blast. Here are some of our favorites from the festivities.